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Art: 746775321543
Apples to Apples: Party Edition (2015)
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This infamous wild card and party game provides instant fun for 4 to 10 players! It's as easy as comparing apples to apples, too, just open the box, deal the cards and you're ready to play! Select the card from your hand that you think best describes a card played by the judge. If the judge picks your card, you win that round. Don't fret, as everyone gets a chance to be the judge! Each round is filled with surprising and outrageous comparisons from a wide range of people, places, things and events. Fast moving and stimulating, Apples to Apples is perfect for any get-together with family and friends!
756 Red Apple Cards
252 Green Apple Cards
Card Tray
Game Rules
- Brand: Mattel
- Article number: 746775321543
- Designer: Mattel
- Year: 2015
- Number of Players: 4-10
- Time: 30 Minutes
- Ages: 12+
- Mechanics: Hand Management, Simultaneous Action Selection
- Theme: Party
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