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Art: 5902560389142
AI Space Puzzle
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Its task is to help passengers during this difficult journey, and to do so it must try to create an effective communication system so that the passengers can be directed to the proper rooms while holding the correct security keys. The AI player uses various tokens to convey the required combination of colors and pawns, but the meaning of the tokens is up to the players to decide.
The game includes dozens of scenarios with increasing levels of difficulty, each with new challenges that you must overcome to survive. Beep boop!
- Brand: Portal Games
- Article number: 5902560389142
- Designer: Katarzyna Cioch, Sylwia Smolińska, Wojciech Wiśniewski, Mateusz Wolski
- Year: 2023
- Number of Players: 2-5
- Time: 30 Min
- Ages: 8+
- Mechanics: Communication Limits, Cooperative Game, Deduction, Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game
- Theme: Deduction, Puzzle, Science Fiction, Space Exploration
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