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Art: DNR-8710126190531
2000 pcs - Jan van Haasteren: The Balloon Festival
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Puzzles,Trading Card Games
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Once again this year, we proudly present the popular artist Jan van Haasteren with new puzzles of his own creation.
Jan van Haasteren has been creating amusing drawings exclusively for Jumbo for several decades now. His drawings have a distinctly recognizable style: comical images with loads of hilarious situations and far more people than you’d expect.
The pictures produced by Jan van Haasteren are extremely popular worldwide and have been used to create more than 90 puzzles to date.
- Brand: Jumbo Puzzles
- Article number: DNR-8710126190531
- Cut Style: Ribbon Cut
- Piece Size: Standard
- Assembled Size: 68 x 98 cm
- Artist: Jan van Haasteren
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