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Art: 609456647212
12 Days of Christmas
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12 Days of Christmas is a card game themed after the traditional song, in which players are attempting to be the first to get rid of all 12 of their cards. As with the theme there is only one partridge card, two turtledove cards, and so on. The first player to get rid of their last card in hand wins a gift, and the player with the most gifts after 12 rounds is the winner. Timing is everything in this quick playing card game that is simple enough for the whole family to play!
- 12 Gift cards
- 78 Days of Christmas cards
- Brand: Eagle-Gryphon Games
- Article number: 609456647212
- Designer: Gord
- Year: 2015
- Number of Players: 3–8 Players
- Time: 20–30 Min
- Ages: 8+
- Mechanics: Hand Management Ladder Climbing Trick-taking
- Theme: Card Game Christmas
- Game Video: <iframe width="250" height="145" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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